Can you remember that game you played at school where you hit a ball and had to run around some posts. Well, it's quite popular over here in North America and they even play it as a professional sport. Crazy! Canada only has one Major League Rounders team, The Toronto Blue Jays but Vancouver is represented in the Minor League.
Now is it just me or are Vancouver not that original at picking team names. The hockey team is called the Canucks (short for Canadians) and the rounders team are called the Canadians. They're either very patriotic or just lack imagination. I mean, would rather see a team called the Vancouver Canadians or the Vancouver (Fireblazers), (Stormtroopers), (Thundermachines).
Anyway, we went to see the Canadians play the Boise Hawks (from Idaho) and get our first taste of minor league rounders action. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised and found the game quite enjoyable. It's a good job I'm leaving soon or else I might even start watching American Football. Then I will be truly lost and be beyond redemption.
The Nat Bailey Stadium, a place where sporting legend has never been seen
Between innings they played games with the spectators. We were asked to take part in this one where you spun around and rode a tricycle. Not taking part will be one of the biggest regrets of my life
A full crowd at the beginning. How many of them would last. Read on to find out. Hurry!
Not a lot happened at the start. No runs, no hits, my primary school rounders matches were more exciting than this
He hit the ball and is running to first base. It's a miracle!
The darkness came as the match drew long into the evening. What evil would await us
3 hours and 45 minutes after the start and the game is still in play. The Canadians managed to pull off an amazing 3 rounders in the final innings to send the game into extra innings. The crowd was getting rapidly smaller at this point. Lets see how we were all coping
I see Andy is starting to flag
Just make it end. NOW!
Liz looking surprisingly cheery. Must be the valium she's on
What the hells going on with Simon. Either he's gone crazy or Barry Bonds isn't the only one who's (allegedly, for any lawyers reading) on steroids. See, I even got a current rounders story into the post
The 3 stages of flash, light, normal and dark. You thought you were just reading about rounders but I threw in a photography lesson as well. How kind am I
It's 11pm, the games still going and we decide to leave. I checked on the internet around midnight to see that the Canadians lost by 7 rounders to 6.
STRIKE 3, I'm outta here.
Now is it just me or are Vancouver not that original at picking team names. The hockey team is called the Canucks (short for Canadians) and the rounders team are called the Canadians. They're either very patriotic or just lack imagination. I mean, would rather see a team called the Vancouver Canadians or the Vancouver (Fireblazers), (Stormtroopers), (Thundermachines).
Anyway, we went to see the Canadians play the Boise Hawks (from Idaho) and get our first taste of minor league rounders action. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised and found the game quite enjoyable. It's a good job I'm leaving soon or else I might even start watching American Football. Then I will be truly lost and be beyond redemption.

STRIKE 3, I'm outta here.
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