Funtime with Laura and Paul
Have you ever just had one of those crazy nights, a night that will live with you forever, a night that will change who you are and what you stand for. A night where you finally realise what life is all about, a night where all your problems seem to slip away, a perfect night.
Last Friday wasn't one of those nights.
Instead I stayed at home with Laura. Witness the crazy things we did.
Ever since Laura moved into the house I have noticed a build up of dirt and rubbish. It's hard trying to clean up after her
I bet Laura $10 dollars she couldn't blow up the air mattress without the pump. Whilst using a hair dryer this is my desperate attempt to stop it inflating
The hair dryer was a poor substitute for the real pump
Laura doesn't like her picture being taken
This picture is freaky. See how she has no leg in her jeans. It's just totally flat. She's a witch, burn her
She may have managed to pump up the mattress but she ain't getting $10. Her mistake, no legally binding contract
Laura studies the video she bought from her charity shop. Yep, a crazy night was completed by watching "The Pelican Brief". Over two hours long and not a single talking pelican. What a con
This is what I came to Canada for, crazy, completely off the wall type of nights. It's lucky I had the folk festival to chill out at the next day.
Last Friday wasn't one of those nights.
Instead I stayed at home with Laura. Witness the crazy things we did.

This is what I came to Canada for, crazy, completely off the wall type of nights. It's lucky I had the folk festival to chill out at the next day.
Now that you have changed it so that those that fit under 'other' and 'anonmyous' can leave a comment, I feel that I should leave a is also a brillant blog! Not as well updated as yours though Paul! Ok, I'm done!
I think chimplythebest is a rubbish blog and Ian smells of rotting baboon carcass.
The people have spoken Ian. Listen to what they have to say
I notice you've been reduced to stealing my ideas for blog posts (photo of portaloos and mountains) before I get a chance of writing them... Paul, you've got to strike out on your own. 'Previously on 24' is never going to make it in the big blog leagues if it remains a pale immitation of Chimpers.
You can do better Paul, I believe in you...
It's not a case of petty arguing about who came up with the idea first Ian. It's about who can come up with the goods first.
I mean who will go down in history as inventing the telephone. Alexander Grahem Bell will. Even though Elisha Grey tried to patent it on the same day.
I bring my readers up to date and relevant information, not posts that are 3 months out of date.
Previously on 24 is a blog of the 21st century while chimply the best is stuck in the 1980's.
C'mon now Paul, now's not the time to go on to the defensive. Strike out on your own! You can do it!
Why can't we be friends.
I don't know. I blame women.
Cherchez la femme, you know.
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
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