Typically Scottish...
The weekend brought some incredibly hot weather and therefore many outdoor activities. When you think of hot sunny afternoons where does you mind take you, Spain, Australia, Africa. Well this Saturday afternoon we had Scotland on our minds.
Coquitlam was holding the BC Highland Games, so Gav dragged us along with fellow Scot Alan to celebrate the culture of their homeland. Coquitlam is quite a way from where we live but boy was it worth it.
A lake outside of Coquitlam Stadium where the games were being held. No sign of Nessie
Alan and Gav proudly display their cans of Irn Bru, the national drink of Scotland. I also managed to get some Lucozade
These may look like medieval weapons but are actually state of the art Scottish stabbing instruments. You can find them in most large Scottish city centres
Where are the drunk people passed out on the grass, vomiting over their large beer bellies. This is nothing like Scotland
One of the sporting events on show, the hammer. I think this guy was called Jock McHaggis
Another event involving throwing heavy objects. There was a cabre toss but I didn't get any pictures
Too busy taking them of myself. You didn't really want to see the cabre tossing anyway did you?
Bagpipes, kilts, all we needed was rain and a Scotland draw with the Faroe Islands and it would have been perfect
A Whisky tent where people sat politely around a table drinking. They haven't been doing their research
There I am, burning
Aah June, time for Andy's yearly bath
Coquitlam was holding the BC Highland Games, so Gav dragged us along with fellow Scot Alan to celebrate the culture of their homeland. Coquitlam is quite a way from where we live but boy was it worth it.

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