Goodbyes and Grinds
This weekend saw a goodbye to Jade who will be flying off for further travelling adventures in the beautiful country of England. May you enjoy your stay in our home country and don't listen to all the horrible things we said about it. So on Friday night we set off to the King's Head for her send off.
Simon wearing Chris' glasses. Note to Chris Duggen, possibly the first photographic evidence of Simon's beard growing efforts
Going home from the King's Head. Myself, Jade, Keenie and Chris in a moment of chaos
Chris attempts to drag home the branch of a tree. He wasn't at all drunk
Chris ruuning into and headbutting a for sale sign outside a house. Maybe he was a little drunk
And he did it over and over agin until we captured the exact moment he made contact with it. Fortunately, further stunts involving a hammock and a telegraph pole never took off. He looked surprisingly well working at the top of Grouse mountain the next day
The follwoing afternoon I set off with Andy, Laura, Simon and Simon's two firends from home Liam and Stephen to attempt the Grouse Grind. That's right, on their first full day in canada Simon had them marching up a mountain. I have been to Grouse once before See here but that was in a cable car. Now we were going to walk the 2.9km and climb to a height of 2800ft. It wasn't too bad and almost all of us managed to complete it in a reasonable time, faster than Ian anyway and will no doubt do it all again one day.
Myself looking healthy, fit and raring to go
Laura not looking so confident. She was actually the first one to the top of the mountain, after giving up within 10 minutes and catching the cable car. A let down to my household
The brave travellers before the great adventure
Many dangerous animals lurk within the mountain. I even fought a bear. Obviously there are no pictures so I found an artists impression
Yep, that's pretty much how I remember it
Safe from the bear we venture futher upwards
Other brave souls wandering the mountain. We actually say a guy running down without a top on. He's probably just crazy and unable to leave, cursed for all time
We did it!
We then went out for dinner in Gastown where the following 2 events occured.
Someones falling off a building. Don't worry though, these were just people absailing and performing tricks. Just another night in Vancouver
We ended up in a bar where Andy went on an endless winning streak against some guys who wouldn't give in until they beat him. I beleive they're still playing right at this second

The follwoing afternoon I set off with Andy, Laura, Simon and Simon's two firends from home Liam and Stephen to attempt the Grouse Grind. That's right, on their first full day in canada Simon had them marching up a mountain. I have been to Grouse once before See here but that was in a cable car. Now we were going to walk the 2.9km and climb to a height of 2800ft. It wasn't too bad and almost all of us managed to complete it in a reasonable time, faster than Ian anyway and will no doubt do it all again one day.

We then went out for dinner in Gastown where the following 2 events occured.

There's somekind of hair growing around the chin and mouth area. Whether this actually qualifies as a beard is another matter entirely.
Thats uncanny and very funny.
For the record its been about 8 days ok, its not my fault so many people are interested in my face. Also Paul forgot to mention that me and Liam did it in 53minutes a whole 17 minutes faster than the rest of the lads ha.
Bizarrely someone from work yesterday asked me if people often tell me I look like Christian Bale - Batman. Im not so sure though
I only finished behind you as I was making sure YOUR friend got to the top alright by keeping him supplied with water and taking rest stops. And I kept checking back to make sure Andy and Laura were alright. Unlike you who just marches off without a second thought.
Not very Batman like behaviour Mr Bale.
stephens a big lad he can take care of himself. Anyway that water was only slowing him down
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