Friday, May 19, 2006

The Power of Blog...

You may be reading this thinking it's just a silly thing, just some pictures and writing that people can show their friends and express their feelings. But then you would be underestimating the power of the blog.

It can transform those of us who are mere mortals into full blown celebrities. It happened to Andy's girlfriend Laura when my mum recognized her on the street and it happened to me earlier this week.

At Ellie's leaving do she brought along a friend and started introducing us all. When she got to me, Ellie said this is Paul and her friend Katie replied yes Paul Banks, I've read your blog, its very funny.

So if you do see me or any of us bloggers walking down the street, don't be afraid to talk to us. We like yoursleves are only mortal, you may even get a mention on the blog yourself.

Ring ring. Hang on its my phone again.
Me: Paul Banks speaking
Steven Spielberg: Hi Paul, I'm Steven Spielberg and I want you to star in my movie.
Me: But I've never acted before.
Steven Spielberg: No, but you can't be any worse than some other so called actors out there.
Me: Thats true.
Steven Spielberg: I've been reading your blog Paul and as you know my last film Munich didn't do too well at the box office. You see, I'm making Indian Jones 4 soon and Harrison Ford is getting on a bit, plus its been ages since he had a hit film.
Me: Ain't that right.
Steven Spielberg: I need someone who can guarentee to bring in the public and with your new found celebrity status I think you're the man for the job.
Me: I think you're right Steven, but I'm not getting out of bed for less than $30,000000.
Steven Spielberg: Only $30,000000, you're practically doing it for free.
Me: Well, I'd love to stay and chat but I've got some parties to attend to and then I'm off to Africa to help save starving children.
Steven Spielberg: What a guy!


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