Monday, May 15, 2006

And after all, you're a wonderpaul...

Last Tuesday saw Ian's 26th birthday, so on Friday night we all went out to the King's head for food, drink and live music. Before I go on I will just explain the title to this entry. Whilst the band were doing a cover version of Oasis' Wonderwall a drunk Andy managed to change the lyrics to "after all you're a wonderpaul".

Anyway, a good night was had by all, the highlight being Andy trying to climb over a table back to his seat, and then falling off. If only you saw it Ian. He did cut his leg while attempting this as well.

Lined up in order of age, Andy (24), Me (25), Ian (26)

Gav and Liz. Gav was wearing his new Canada shirt. A team that has had less world cup success than Scotland

Hannah and another Australian

All action Keenie, ready for a night of excitement

Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrggggggghhhhhh! I'm being haunted by myself

Alan, he was on our flight but we don't see him that often. He's out saving the world or something

I remember the good old days

Michael Mann suddenly regretted casting Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx in the new Miami Vice movie

The band. Andy actually bought the singer's solo albumn off him after they had finished. Still hasn't listened to it


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