Monday, May 08, 2006

The Week That Was...

And so another week passes by with many ups and downs, trials and tribulations, hopes and dreams, loss and sorrow, terror and fear, promise and disappointment, triumph and victory, joy and loneliness... I could go on but I can't be bothered...

Anyway here's a quick rundown of what's been happening recently. Last Tuesday was another night of football. With the weather getting better we didn't manage to get the full 20 people. Instead we played with 2 teams and used rolling substitutions. Keenie even scored a few goals, although he did concede one from the opposition keeper's goal kick. Classic Keenie.

Wednesday saw Keenie's 22nd birthday and a visit to Darby's where we had some food and drink. It also saw my first visit to Darby's rooftop terrace, the biggest in Kitsilano I'm led to believe.

Thursady saw me having dinner with the lovely Liz in Gastown (where she was house sitting). After having a nice pasta dinner, we decided to make some cookies. However, I managed to screw up my only task of informing Liz when 11 minutes had passed. We ended up eating very burn't cookies. The evening also marked the first time the cat living at the house (Buster) came out when a stranger was there. A miracle in itself.

Friday saw a trip down to the Coppertank on Broadway where I ate a Hawaiian burger with fries. Good stuff. Not much else to say about that night.

Saturday night saw another trip out for Keenie's birthday (why did he get 2 nights out, answers on a postcard please). It started out in the backpackers on Granville during a power cut. The power soon came back on though in time for Ian to take this picture which I just stole from his blog.

There's me again

It then went onto the Railway Club where Ian and Andy clawed another $2 back into making up the money they spent on becoming members. It was pretty dead when we went in but soon filled up. Not too much to report here, Gav got more drunk than English Liz had seen him before. The rest of us however have seen it many a time before. I like to think it's how we'll all remember Gav in years to come.

The week drew to a quiet close on Sunday night with myself and latest housemate Laura watching the regular Sunday night cartoon marathon of Simpson's, Family Guy and American Dad episodes. No need to get jealous Andy.

Then this morning I got my first look at Sven's provisional England squad for the World Cup. It's quite alarming to think that he's only picked 4 strikers, 2 of whom (Owen and Rooney) are injured, one is Peter Crouch and the other is a player named Theo Walcott. Theo who? you may be asking. Apparently he joined Arsenal from Southampton in January for 12 million pounds but has yet to make a first team appearance for them. That means there's no place for Jermain Defoe, Darren Bent or any other strikers who have actually played football this season.

So to reiterate that point, England's only fit strikers in their world cup squad are
Peter Crouch - 5 England Caps, 1 Goal (8 Premiership goals this season)
Theo Walcott - 0 England Caps, 0 Goals (0 Premiership goals this season)

Ring, ring. Excuse me a second, that's my phone.
Me: Hello
Ronaldinho: (loud laughter)
Me: Sorry, can't seem to hear anything, can you quieten down a bit.
Ronaldinho: (loud laughter), Sorry Paulo, it's me Ronaldionho (starts laughing again)
I'ma here with the rest of the Brazilian squad.
Me: Whats so funny?
Ronaldinho: (lots of loud laughter) I'm sorry, it's just so funny. Must.. go... (starts laughing again)
Me: See you later Ronaldinho
Ronaldinho: (loud laughter)

Yep, that was the week that was 1-6 May.


Blogger Bully said...

Of course you're too modest to mention all that un-publicised charity work you do in between!!

3:49 PM  
Blogger Paul Banks said...

Well, you know Andy, I just enjoy doing it. To see the smile on other people's faces when I help them gives me so much pleasure.

Of course I can't compare myself to you with all the charity work you've been doing.

3:57 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

While Crouch and Defoe's apperance/goal ratio is fairly similar (31/5 and 35/8 respectively) we must remember that while Defoe is a classy, flair driven striker, Crouch is a clumsy spazz who lucked out big time getting signed to Liverpool.

Also who did Theo Walcott sleep with to get this gig?

5:57 PM  
Blogger Paul Banks said...

But you see Keenie, Walcott and Crouch play for teams that managed to qualify for the Champions League.

Not teams that stay in a Champions League place all season and then bottle it on the last day. Then come up with an excuse and try to get the game replayed.


9:56 AM  

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