Land of Hope and Glory
This weekend saw the best weather since we've been in Vancouver. On Sunday I actually wore shorts to show off my beautiful legs. With Sunday being so nice we had decided to have a barbecue at Andy and Ian's. Firstly I'd like to thank both of them for the excellent job they did and their great hospiltality.
Sunday was also St George's Day. For those of you who aren't English, St George is the Patron Saint of England much like St Patrick is for Ireland. Nobody in England celebrates St George's day as it's pretty much been hijacked by the BNP (British National Party). They don't really like anyone who isn't white and English.
St George is famous for killing a dragon. He's lucky it wasn't Trog Dor he was fighting or else he might have taken a bit of a beating from one of those beefy arms.
The day involved two barbecues and a visit to Kit's beach. It was almost a perfect day but for me sadly, one thing was lacking.
Anyway, enjoy the next 30 odd pictures and my witty comments that accompany them.
Andy getting the first barbecue going. If you're traumatized by this picture you may want to stop reading now
Come on baby, light my fire
Relaxing in the afternoon
Keenie playing with a piece of rope in the hammock. Finally he had met his intellectual match
Celebrating St George's Day wearing my England shirt, wrapped in an England flag. Staring into the distance and praying to God he never sends me back
"You wanna come to my club". Two naive Englishmen being lured into some seedy club by a gay cowboy
Where'd the cowboy go?
It's silly hat time
Ian about to be dropkicked off the balcony by Simon
Secret hammock cam
I just can't explain this picture, nor would I want to
Ian being spun around in the hammock for about 5 minutes
Ian and Jade cleaning up. It was even messier by the evening
Mountains, sun, what more could you want?
Gav and myself with some heroic poses in the sea
Its a beautiful day. As soon as I wrote that I just heard Des Lynam's voice saying "Tonight on the Premiership"
An amazing view. The mountains, sea and park aren't bad either
Something missing from this picture
The beach was full of people
Simon and Andy fully clothed in the sea
WARNING - The following few pictures could have serious harmful effects on your future health. Turn away now if you suffer from backpains or are pregnant.
Simon and Andy in their boxer shorts. Eugght. They went for a swim in the sea. Being a veteran of the polar bear swim on New Years Day I felt no need to go in again
A long shot, much nicer
Look what crawled out of the ocean
Frisbee on the beach, exciting...
...or not
Group shot from the ground
We stopped off for ice cream on the way back. Being the affluent man that I am I forked out for the most expensive one they had to offer. $3.50 this cost me
Ian lighting up the second barbecue in the evening. By this point he'd lost his camera. I feel for you Ian
Now I know I put you though a lot of stress with those pictures of Andy and Simon, so I thought I'd redress the balance with two pictures of what is the second (not first) most beautiful sight in Vancouver.
Sunday was also St George's Day. For those of you who aren't English, St George is the Patron Saint of England much like St Patrick is for Ireland. Nobody in England celebrates St George's day as it's pretty much been hijacked by the BNP (British National Party). They don't really like anyone who isn't white and English.
St George is famous for killing a dragon. He's lucky it wasn't Trog Dor he was fighting or else he might have taken a bit of a beating from one of those beefy arms.
The day involved two barbecues and a visit to Kit's beach. It was almost a perfect day but for me sadly, one thing was lacking.
Anyway, enjoy the next 30 odd pictures and my witty comments that accompany them.
WARNING - The following few pictures could have serious harmful effects on your future health. Turn away now if you suffer from backpains or are pregnant.
Now I know I put you though a lot of stress with those pictures of Andy and Simon, so I thought I'd redress the balance with two pictures of what is the second (not first) most beautiful sight in Vancouver.
I think that post is at least worth one comment. WELL DONE Paul.
I'm footballing it tonight. Since Coach isn't there, we'll need someone to take charge! See you later
Thankyou Andy, it's nice to see someone noticed the effort that went into that post.
Just to think, I managed to do all of it while at work.
See you at football.
I'd just like to congratulate you on a rare picture of my knees
I don't think the world is ready to see you all at once. One body part at a time.
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