A Tragic Death
It's my sad duty to report that we've had our first death in Vancouver. Yes, Gavin's blog "The Golden Camel" has finally passed away due to starvation and malnutrition. Gavin Hodge is now wanted for murder and is being hunted by the police as you read this. When Gavin first got his blog he looked after it well, giving it words and pictures on a regular basis.
This happy relationship didn't last though and Gavin started to grow neglegant of his blog. Posts grew thinner and thinner until he just stopped completely. If this is how he treats his blog, imagine how'd he treat his pets. The blog police have warned other blog writers to stay away from Gavin if they see him. They are worried he might try and kill other blogs if given the chance.
Gavin is also being investigated for a number of unsolved blog related crimes included intimidation, fraud and genecide.
This man wants your blog to die
This happy relationship didn't last though and Gavin started to grow neglegant of his blog. Posts grew thinner and thinner until he just stopped completely. If this is how he treats his blog, imagine how'd he treat his pets. The blog police have warned other blog writers to stay away from Gavin if they see him. They are worried he might try and kill other blogs if given the chance.
Gavin is also being investigated for a number of unsolved blog related crimes included intimidation, fraud and genecide.
i also heard he was wanted alongside a geordie for crimes of a televisual nature
Not forgetting tax ivasion and driving without a license
I forgot about that one. Well, it's good to have you back on the blog anyway Gavin, criminal or not.
Its not dead, its pining for the fjords.
Why am I not getting anything all of a sudden. I only went away for a week.
What time you getting to to footie tonight Banksy?
I'll be on the bus that passes mcdonald and 4th around 6.30pm. So I'll be at football around 6.40pm.
I've no idea what Ian's on about either.
Erm, the Dead Parrot Sketch? Bloody hell, I almost didn't put that comment because I thought it was too obvious. Its a sad day when people aren't getting quotes of Monty Python anymore.
Ian. Couldn't you have picked a more famous line? You had pleanty to choose from
Not all of us are almost 26 years old Ian. Try quoting something from the classic sitcom of the 90's. Nick Hancock's Holding the Baby.
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