Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Cash Me In

Last night we were hit by a blackout. This led to much frantic searching for my torch in order to "shed some light" on the situation. (I write all my own jokes). After making my way to the electrical panel containing all the flip switches I was soon joined by Aaron and Shuji. Flipping them back and forth seemed to have no effect, which was when we ventured outside.

The entire block was in darkness, we were left helpless and defenceless and so retreated back into the house to join Kate and her boyfriend Mike in the living room. Here we discussed possible courses of action such as looting the shops and running down the street carrying a big screen tv but this was soon dismissed.

So what do you do in a blackout, play poker of course. No limits texas hold em to be precise. With our torches pointed at the table Aaron fetched his poker set and the game began. Shuji was quite worried at this point because he was in the middle of studying for a midterm the next day but he soon relaxed into the poker.

Kate made the early running taking a couple of big pots but was she playing too aggressive from the get go. I took it easy, working my way into the game, not gambling too highly. Suprisingly it was Mike who left the game first. Kate had left him with little chips and a desperate call of "all in" did him no good and he was out.

Aaron had made a few good plays by this point and had moved into the chip lead. Kate was looking less confident as her pile shrank and Shuji was still figuring out how to play. Now all those nights watching "Late Night Poker" while at University finally paid off. Building up a huge pot in the table I took a massive hand and moved into the chip lead. Kate was out, Shuji was hanging on and it was game on.

They taught me well

Over the next few hands Aaron kept picking away at me with some bold moves. (He actually plays poker for real money sometimes. His suggestions of playing for next months rent were quickly dismissed). By this time the power had come back on but we kept on playing.

An artist's impression of the game last night

Aaron folded leaving just me and Shuji in the hand. He had little chips left and moved all in. We both showed our cards. He had a pair of tens but my full house containing a pair of aces and three eights knocked him out. Now it was heads up between me and Aaron. Seeing as Shuji was studing in the living room I thought to myself we better let him have some peace and quiet. Aaron went all in and I followed suit with only a pair of eights. I lost but in the end I think we all won.

As commentator Jesse May on Late Night Poker used to say "Until next time, cash me in".


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