Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Housemate Housemate Number 9

Now that I've settled into my new home I thought I'd give everyone a brief review of my housemate situation. Last night I met Shuji, my 9th housemate since I've been in Canada. He has replaced his fellow Japanese countryman Takuma and speaks a lot more English.

House 1 -

I moved in with Tessa and Rachel into a 3 bedroom house. It had no furniture, in fact it had nothing. On the second day there Tess decided she wanted to move to Whistler instead. When Tess and Rachel went on a trip to Vancouver Island a number of hostel stayers spent a few nights here and there at the house. One of these Gareth, decided to stay and became my third housemate. To save on rent we decided to change the dining room into another bedroom and when Tess left Pete became my fourth housemate.

House 2 -

Now when Paul Smith left Gavin's Pete moved in there. After an unsuccessful attempt to get anyone in we all decided to go our sepearte ways. I moved into my new house with my 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th housemates, Kate, Adam, Aaron and Takuma. The house is fully furnished with sofas, beds etc and has 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 2 kitchens. Takuma has now moved out and been replaced by Shuji. My 9th and definitely not last housemate in Canada.

So here's a list of my housemates and nationalities for those of you interested -

1) Rachel - English
2) Tessa - English
3) Gareth - English
4) Pete - English
5) Adam - Canadian
6) Kate - Canadian
7) Aaron - Canadian
8) Takuma - Japanese
9) Shuji - Japanese

Stay tuned for the Paul's Housemates vs Simon's Jobs Competetion. Whoevers had the most by the road trip wins.


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