The name's Banks, Paul Banks
I've always thought I'd make a great James Bond but I really need some advice on how to play the role. If only there was someone who has played James Bond, right here in Vancouver who I could ask....
Anyway, we went to Gav's last night. Andy came but had to leave early in order to spend time rummaging through my underwear. We do still see Andy but he just seems to miss out on all the photo opportunities. Well I'm sure he had fun last night... with my underwear.
It's not often that I surprise myself with how good looking I actually am, but I think this picture is great. Look at me, I'm stunning. And it captures my strength and vulnerability in one picture. The perfect qualities for playing James Bond. I think I might even send it off to American Eagle for their next advertising campaign. So if you want a good picture of yourself, go to Gavin's toilet and point your camera at the mirror
Gav even has table football in his house. I kept my unbeaten run going by defeating Ian and then me and Simon destroyed Liz and Ian. Liz could only play with one hand though
Ian then sent Liz outside to think about her poor performance
While he picked himself back up with some home made cocktails. Disgraceful behaviour, not what James Bond would do
Simon using the typical Sunderland tactic of pushing the opposition in the back
Gav's audition as the next Bond villain didn't go down too well
Whilst Ian had mastered his Ernst Stavro Blofeld impersination
We had saved the day again and everyone could celebrate
The following afternoon I played Simon at tennis. He had just splashed out on a $5 racket from the Thrift store and wanted to try it out. It worked a treat as he pushed me to 5 sets.
I eventually won though with a score of 6-1, 6-0, 6-0, 6-0, 6-1.
However after tennis, walking on a small quiet road in Kits to Dairy Queen, a man walked out infront of us from a house to his car.
Yes, we saw Remington Steele himself, Pierce Brosnan
Hang on a minute, why didn't I ask him for some tips on how to play James Bond.
Anyway, we went to Gav's last night. Andy came but had to leave early in order to spend time rummaging through my underwear. We do still see Andy but he just seems to miss out on all the photo opportunities. Well I'm sure he had fun last night... with my underwear.

The following afternoon I played Simon at tennis. He had just splashed out on a $5 racket from the Thrift store and wanted to try it out. It worked a treat as he pushed me to 5 sets.
I eventually won though with a score of 6-1, 6-0, 6-0, 6-0, 6-1.
However after tennis, walking on a small quiet road in Kits to Dairy Queen, a man walked out infront of us from a house to his car.

Hang on a minute, why didn't I ask him for some tips on how to play James Bond.
Have you ever noticed how you don't see many cats in Canada?! Strangely whilst typing that, Rhi's cat was pointing it's bottom at us!
You don't see a lot of cats but you do see a lot of "lost cat posters". It seems Vancouver has a cat kidnapper.
True,true. I don't think the owners really want their cats back too, as their posters aren't very informative. Maybe it's a planned catnapping group.
Are you all on drugs .........oh sorry it must just be a Canada thing?!
No, we are all actually on drugs.
Oooooh dear. I forgot about that cat. Didn't we give it cat drugs?
Lovely to see you again Paul. We really must have dinner soon. Call my P.A.
Hi Pierce, glad you're enjoying the blog. I'm a bit busy this week, Roger Moore keeps pestering me to go out for lunch.
All he talks about is how Moonraker was the best Bond film and how his interpritaion of Bond was better than Sean Connery's.
Hope to catch you soon as "Tomorrow Never Dies"
Connery had to retire to make way for me. I'm three years older than he is. Therefore I am the best.
I was playing Bond into my late 50's. Whats the matter with Pierce? Can't stand the pace??
Lunch Wednesday?
Sorry, I'm not some random weirdo..... well maybe the weirdo bit. I'm one of Jade's friends from Oz and I had no idea she was coming back for a visit..... and by extreme shock she leaps from the boot of a car to surprise me! I actually read your most recent post and thought it was a mistake or something, how stupid!
Adam doesn't think that you go out with Jade does he? Unless...
Or maybe its because I haven't bothered to update my blog in ages. Will try to do so tonight. Promise.
Everyone is welcome to my blog, wierdos or not. I think most of my readers are probably wierdos.
Also,when you wrote PAUL!!!! why did I instinctively think of
A little from column A, a little from column B. I tell you what, Jade can't stop talking about Paul... Paul this, Paul that. I am frankly sick of it! Just kidding, I'd add a comment or 2 to yours Ian but it's just not as recent...and people are somewhat warned off by the panic attack initiated from the spider picture at the beginning!
Erm, never mind!
Insightful as always Mr Bull.
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