Who will survive?
The 7 of us going on the rail trip have become quite good friends over the past 10 months (or we at least pretend to be). But it has crossed my mind that this friendship could be put to the test after a whole month together. Having to travel, eat, sleep and go out with each other every day could put certain strains on relationships. Not to mention being stuck on a train for up to 20 hours at a time.
Sure we'll go and do things on our own but slowly and surely little things will niggle away at us, the way someone chews, the way someone talks will suddenly become the most annoying thing we've ever experienced.
Who will be the first to crack, I'm not sure but when they do it could make Battle Royale look like a playground fight.
I know this probably won't happen but it allows for a humorous look at my travelling companions and what may cause them or others to be driven insane.
Andrew Bull
The reason you haven't seen any pictures of Andy on my blog recently is because he's still on the run for crushing Laura to death
Overview - The first person I remember seeing in the departure lounge, mainly because he was the only one wearing a BUNAC t-shirt. Famous for his quality line of repeated jokes "muchos gracios amigos", beard growing and poor guitar playing.
Most likely to annoy - Ian Pope. Ian's already warned us about his snoring "I've got to get some ear plugs" he said. He looked quite terrified when talking about this. Apparantly you can even hear it through walls. After almost a year living together will this trip be the final straw?
Andrew Keen
Keenie's favourite pose after a night at the Railway Club
Overview - Gave birth to the phrase Classic Keenie. The latest of these "classic" moments came when leaving the railway club after the monday night sing a long. Keenie attempted to jump down the stairs, fell and managed to punch himself in the face, cutting his chin. And that's why we love him.
Most likely to annoy - Elizabeth Barrett. His calamitous at home antics seem to destroy all of Liz's precious items. No matter where she puts them Keenie will always find a way of breaking them. Just a word of warning Andrew, if you stand near the edge of the Grand Canyon, watch your back, those northern girls can be quite evil.
Elizabeth Barrett
It's better if you don't see her face
Overview - A late entry to the group when she went to live with the other inhabitants of the McDonald residence. She will bring a much needed female influence to the group which has been previously seen by wrestling on the streetin a drunken state, breaking her arm and making endlessly stupid comments. "If you take 30 days off from the 31st October, what day will it be?" Will probably be staying in Canada for another year, won't last without us.
Most likely to annoy - Paul Banks. Serioulsy, do not let this girl sing, not only can she not sing, she seems to sing every song in some sort of every song goes by one identikit tune. Might have to get some ear plugs off Ian and god forbid when we get to New York.
Gavin Hodge
Artisitc Gav
Overview - Token Scot.
Most likely to annoy - Gavin Hodge. You see, being Scottish, Gav is a perfectionist, he always judges himself by the highest standards. No alcohol, no cigarettes, he always wants to be the best Gavin Hodge he can be. I just think he might crack on this rail trip. Give into those demons inside him, the cravings he longs for. So if you are one of Gavin's friends from Scotland, don't be surprised if he orders a few pints at the bar and pops out for the occasional smoke. He's only human after all.
Ian Pope
Extreme Close Up
Overview - Cockney London Geezer. Three words not used to describe Ian. Will always be remembered for being the guy that Andy lives with. Failed to make an impact on the group and was almost replaced on the trip by one of the cardboard mounties that adorn his home.
Most likely to annoy - Simon Farthing. They're just too similar, something has to give. Seperated at birth by the chin, (they have matching scars) it will no doubt lead to many fights and brawls along the way. I fear only one of them will get out of the trip alive, unless they merge back into the one person they so obvioulsy came from. Iamon Popething.
Paul Banks
Hey, who's that guy?
Overview - Don't trust this man, he's too quiet. I bet he's a recovering alcoholic or a killer on the run. Yeh, that's it, keep your eyes on him. How on earth am I going to spend a month with this guy, I hate him. But then again he is good looking and comes up with all the best one liners. My personal favourite of his was when Simon showed him a picture of some Sunderland shot glasses. His response "bet they go down easily". Classic. Will provide a steadying influence and will always be guaranteed on taking a good picture.
Most likely to annoy - Andrew Bull. Recently resorted to sending hurtful e-mails to each other, this rail trip could prove a testing time for the potential New Zealand 2007 duo. Paul's often scathing form of humour isn't always appreciated by Andy and could force a rift between them.
Simon Farthing
In the days when he was young and innocent
Overview - The man from Durham (never heard of it, still don't think it exists, is it near Narnia?) is the main organizer of the rail trip and will always have everyone's eternal gratitude. Best known for collecting jobs in the early days but since growing a beard he seems to have settled down into just the two. A Starbucks man through and through who will no doubt go onto great things when he gets home to Durham/Middle Earth/Hogwarts. His supporting of Sunderland has also given many opportunities for jokes over the past year.
Most likely to annoy - Andrew Keen. They live together with a love hate relationship. The end of this trip will either see them at each other's throats after a drunken night in Kansas City or planning to move in with each other when they get back home to England.
All joking aside guys and girl, it's been a pleasure. Lets just try to keep things civil.
Sure we'll go and do things on our own but slowly and surely little things will niggle away at us, the way someone chews, the way someone talks will suddenly become the most annoying thing we've ever experienced.
Who will be the first to crack, I'm not sure but when they do it could make Battle Royale look like a playground fight.
I know this probably won't happen but it allows for a humorous look at my travelling companions and what may cause them or others to be driven insane.
Andrew Bull

Overview - The first person I remember seeing in the departure lounge, mainly because he was the only one wearing a BUNAC t-shirt. Famous for his quality line of repeated jokes "muchos gracios amigos", beard growing and poor guitar playing.
Most likely to annoy - Ian Pope. Ian's already warned us about his snoring "I've got to get some ear plugs" he said. He looked quite terrified when talking about this. Apparantly you can even hear it through walls. After almost a year living together will this trip be the final straw?
Andrew Keen

Overview - Gave birth to the phrase Classic Keenie. The latest of these "classic" moments came when leaving the railway club after the monday night sing a long. Keenie attempted to jump down the stairs, fell and managed to punch himself in the face, cutting his chin. And that's why we love him.
Most likely to annoy - Elizabeth Barrett. His calamitous at home antics seem to destroy all of Liz's precious items. No matter where she puts them Keenie will always find a way of breaking them. Just a word of warning Andrew, if you stand near the edge of the Grand Canyon, watch your back, those northern girls can be quite evil.
Elizabeth Barrett

Overview - A late entry to the group when she went to live with the other inhabitants of the McDonald residence. She will bring a much needed female influence to the group which has been previously seen by wrestling on the streetin a drunken state, breaking her arm and making endlessly stupid comments. "If you take 30 days off from the 31st October, what day will it be?" Will probably be staying in Canada for another year, won't last without us.
Most likely to annoy - Paul Banks. Serioulsy, do not let this girl sing, not only can she not sing, she seems to sing every song in some sort of every song goes by one identikit tune. Might have to get some ear plugs off Ian and god forbid when we get to New York.
Gavin Hodge

Overview - Token Scot.
Most likely to annoy - Gavin Hodge. You see, being Scottish, Gav is a perfectionist, he always judges himself by the highest standards. No alcohol, no cigarettes, he always wants to be the best Gavin Hodge he can be. I just think he might crack on this rail trip. Give into those demons inside him, the cravings he longs for. So if you are one of Gavin's friends from Scotland, don't be surprised if he orders a few pints at the bar and pops out for the occasional smoke. He's only human after all.
Ian Pope

Overview - Cockney London Geezer. Three words not used to describe Ian. Will always be remembered for being the guy that Andy lives with. Failed to make an impact on the group and was almost replaced on the trip by one of the cardboard mounties that adorn his home.
Most likely to annoy - Simon Farthing. They're just too similar, something has to give. Seperated at birth by the chin, (they have matching scars) it will no doubt lead to many fights and brawls along the way. I fear only one of them will get out of the trip alive, unless they merge back into the one person they so obvioulsy came from. Iamon Popething.
Paul Banks

Overview - Don't trust this man, he's too quiet. I bet he's a recovering alcoholic or a killer on the run. Yeh, that's it, keep your eyes on him. How on earth am I going to spend a month with this guy, I hate him. But then again he is good looking and comes up with all the best one liners. My personal favourite of his was when Simon showed him a picture of some Sunderland shot glasses. His response "bet they go down easily". Classic. Will provide a steadying influence and will always be guaranteed on taking a good picture.
Most likely to annoy - Andrew Bull. Recently resorted to sending hurtful e-mails to each other, this rail trip could prove a testing time for the potential New Zealand 2007 duo. Paul's often scathing form of humour isn't always appreciated by Andy and could force a rift between them.
Simon Farthing

Overview - The man from Durham (never heard of it, still don't think it exists, is it near Narnia?) is the main organizer of the rail trip and will always have everyone's eternal gratitude. Best known for collecting jobs in the early days but since growing a beard he seems to have settled down into just the two. A Starbucks man through and through who will no doubt go onto great things when he gets home to Durham/Middle Earth/Hogwarts. His supporting of Sunderland has also given many opportunities for jokes over the past year.
Most likely to annoy - Andrew Keen. They live together with a love hate relationship. The end of this trip will either see them at each other's throats after a drunken night in Kansas City or planning to move in with each other when they get back home to England.
All joking aside guys and girl, it's been a pleasure. Lets just try to keep things civil.
Think the major cause of arguements will be your insistance of bringing a full length mirror on the trip which you can preen in front of. Its going to take up a lot room Paul, you've really not thought it through...
Shut up Ian, My snoring is both rhythmic and soothing.
Actually, there is stuff I can do to prevent it. I didn't know you could hear me throught the walls. I case of emergency, roll me on my side. It way take 2 of you.
I have to nominate this for most entertaining post ever
Thank you. I can only try to entertain.
Who are you kidding though, I'll be first to crack- I lose it when I can't find a clean fork for dinner. How do you think all those mugs really got broken.
Also that sunderland shot glass joke- classic.
This post has proved to be so popular I'm afraid to follow it up. I've set the blog bar too high.
You'll just have to get used to the normal rubbish from now on. I probably won't even try.
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