Back to the Beluga
Before I came to Vancouver I never knew what a Beluga was. But after going to the Aquarium I've learned so much about them. Did you know that they have 15cm of blubber surrounding their bodies. How can you live with not knowing facts like that.
Anyway, I went to the Aquarium for a second time yesterday. Following on from the fun at Science World I went with Liz to see those Belugas for one last time. It was like saying goodbye to a best friend.
You won't believe me but I built this. Out of paper mache, in 30 seconds... with my teeth, blindfolded, hanging upside down and unconscious
Under the sea, under the sea, you all know the lyrics, sing along
Can you remember Sharky and George, Crimebusters of the Sea. I think they should have people dressed up as them in the Aquarium. It would help boost attendance and diminish crime
The tropical zone was full of beautiful creatures such as these red birds...
Stunning butterflies...
And some not so attractive creatures. Only joking Liz
It's me, hello everyone, how you doing. Really that bad, sorry to hear that. I'm good... what no they didn't tell me that...
Snakes on a branch, they've already started filming the sequel
I actually wrestled this crocodile. With my arms tied behind my back, concussed and with pins and needles in by right big toe. I won with a submission in the second round
You could get some great shots of the dolphins from underneath the water with the sunlight shining through
Reminds me of playing Ecco the Dolphin on the Sega Megadrive
Liz blocking the shot of the dolphins. Some people have no manners
At last the belugas. They have funny heads that can move around. I tried to steal a beluga to take home and put in my bath. I won't go into detail but it went horribly wrong
A proper beluga shot underwater. They can even wave to people. I tell you they're clever. Too clever... kill them all before they take over the earth
The sea otter was a cheeky character. It constantly mocked you, swimming around on it's back having fun
Two stamps on my hand to prove that I went to Science World and the Aquarium in one day. We'll never see the likes of them again
The day ended with a trip around Stanley Park on the free shuttle bus. It was a last chance to see some of the great sights that only Vancouver has to offer.
Anyway, I went to the Aquarium for a second time yesterday. Following on from the fun at Science World I went with Liz to see those Belugas for one last time. It was like saying goodbye to a best friend.

The day ended with a trip around Stanley Park on the free shuttle bus. It was a last chance to see some of the great sights that only Vancouver has to offer.
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