Will the last person to leave please turn off the lights
It's August 31st and it's my last night living in Vancouver. Tomorrow morning I set off for Seattle and then on the train to visit San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Flagstaff (Grand Canyon), Kansas City, Chicago, Washinton DC, New York, Montreal and Boston. One month, lots of cities, lots of trains, lots of money spent and hopefully lots of fun.
This will be my last post on the blog ever written on this stay in Canada. But don't worry, the blog will be continuing but not until I get to England where you lucky people will be showered with all the pictures and stories from our epic adventure.
The last couple of days have been pretty quiet, apart from one last visit to the Royal. It's mainly been spent packing and throwing stuff away. I'm pretty much done now, all that's left is to give Shuji his computer back and it's done.
Anyway, thank you for reading and see you in October..... in England. I'm just going to cry.
Tuesday night saw a visit to the Two Parrots for a spot of karaoke. It was full of beautiful singing, but mainly it was a tone deaf mess
Bully belting out Young Girl. It was a good job there weren't any young girls there, or they would have probably started crying
Ian murdering the Beatles She Loves Me. She won't if he continues to sing like this
Hannah giving her reaction to the performances
When we first came to Vancouver we went to the Royal all the time. But we haven't been in the whole of 2006, until the other night. Guess which person isn't having fun
For those of you who didn't make it to Royal, it hasn't changed. I'll leave you to decide whether that's a good or a bad thing
Release... the beast
More caged antics, only in the Royal
Gav and Keenie "play?" fighting on the streets of Vancouver. Doing the British name proud
The stamp of quality
The last time I saw Liz (Canadian)
This man can now be shown as the fraud and liar that he truly is. All year Ian has said he would never visit my house, but the lure of a computer to update his ipod and a free place to store his luggage made him give in
Laura yet again pushing away the camera
At last she agrees to have her picture taken with me. Laura, the last of my 11 housemates in Canada, but easily my 8th favourite
I better go and get some sleep. Laura is selling my phone, which means I now have no alarm to wake me up tomorrow. So if you are in the Kerrisdale area in the morning, come and give my door a knock around 8am. It would be very much appreciated.
So long and see you all back on the blog soon. Just what are you going to do for the next month without me!
This will be my last post on the blog ever written on this stay in Canada. But don't worry, the blog will be continuing but not until I get to England where you lucky people will be showered with all the pictures and stories from our epic adventure.
The last couple of days have been pretty quiet, apart from one last visit to the Royal. It's mainly been spent packing and throwing stuff away. I'm pretty much done now, all that's left is to give Shuji his computer back and it's done.
Anyway, thank you for reading and see you in October..... in England. I'm just going to cry.

I better go and get some sleep. Laura is selling my phone, which means I now have no alarm to wake me up tomorrow. So if you are in the Kerrisdale area in the morning, come and give my door a knock around 8am. It would be very much appreciated.
So long and see you all back on the blog soon. Just what are you going to do for the next month without me!