Friday, November 03, 2006

DC, the place not the comic book label

DC comics are home to some of the worlds greatest superheros. Batman, Superman and all those others who weren't invented by Stan Lee and Marvel. It was a shame we wouldn't be able to visit the fictional likes of Gotham and Metropolis on this tour but I guess in a way we did. Vancouver stands in as Metropolis on Tv's Smallville so from now on I'm going to tell people I've spent a year in Metropolis working for the Daily Planet. Sounds far more exciting to me.

Anyway, we were in Washington DC, that has seen many real life superheros in it's time. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luthor King, Forrest Gump and of course George W Bush. We were only there for a day and spent most of the time on the hostel walking tour. We were taken around by a vietnam vet, thats veteran, not someone who looks after the well being of animals.

Just walking around you could feel the city's importance. Lots of statues of people I've never heard of or can't remember

Thumbs up for the White House. Apparantly Mr Bush wasn't home. Who knows what he was doing or where he was?

The White House even has its own minature golf course

This is some kind of big obelisk/tower. I don't have it written down and can't be bothered to look it up. I'm very tired

The Thomas Jefferson memorial or a dark mysterious stranger

The BUNAC dole que

Aah, at last the Linoln memorial. On these steps Martin Luthor King made his famous speach...

And in Tim Burton's reimagining of Planet of the Apes this statue was a giant monkey

Here's where Forrest Gump made his famous speach

All of these soliders are looking in different directions. Never trust someone who doesn't look you in the eye

Another statue of some more soldiers, yeh can't think of anything more to say

The Vietnam wall with everyone named who either died or is still missing from the war

Capitol building, some grass and some trees

My giant finger attempts to destroy Washington DC. Didn't see that one coming did they

So, after little more than 24 hours we hopped on the train to... what does it say in my notes... New York. Yes, the next stop was New York, brilliant.


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