Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Would you like Irish Chips with those?

Our next stop was Flagstaff, a small town which would act as our base, so we could visit the Grand Canyon. Due to the fact that the trains only ran once a day we arrived at 5am. We soon discovered there wasn't much to Flagstaff, nothing more than a few shops and a few bars. But it served it's purpose.

We were there for two days. We went to the Grand Canyon on the second day, so on the first we decided to get a taxi and go to a ski lift. It would have given us a great view of Flagstaff and it's surroundings. If it was open that is

Ian's expression sums up the overall mood as we make a quicker than anticipated return to the hostel

Walking down the streets of Flagstaff. 5 minutes would probably take you around the whole town centre

The next day we set off with our tour guide to the Grand Canyon. Now I mentioned that Flagstaff was the closest stop, but that still meant an hour and a half drive. Anyway, we made it there and our tour guide walked us up, making sure we weren't looking and positioned us so that we had the best view possible. And here it is...

Stunning view... and the canyon isn't bad either

The only picture I have with all 7 of us. I managed to resist the temptation to push someone over the edge. And it was very tempting, just for the comedy value you understand

Don't look down. You can actually buy a book about everyone who's used the Grand canyon to commit suicide. Someone drove a car over the edge, didn't die, got out and jumped and still didn't die. Think they died in the end though

You can never capture the full size of the canyon in a picture but you still get a great sense of it's scale

Look at that heroic pose. You know, if something were to happen to Harrison Ford then I think we've found our new Indiana Jones. Note to self, serioulsy injure Harrsion Ford

Almost as impressive as Andy Bull without his shirt on. Although not quite as big. You know I'm only joking Andy, partially anyway

That looks dangerous, maybe I should get a job as a stunt man

See that point at the edge. That's where I was standing in the previous picture. I know, I'm a brave man

Darkness and light, a picture to represent the internal struggle of humanity with it's desire to eradicate itself. Powerful, thought provoking and artistically beautiful. As all photographs should be

Who put that tree there, it's spoilt my picture

A good thing about going with a tour guide was being taken to different parts of the canyon. We even got to walk down a little way. It's quite big though

Each place we went to was equally as stunning. The canyon never takes a bad picture. A bit like...

Yep, all that walking and being in the sun tired us out. Either that or a sacrifice was about to take place

This section was just past a Navahoe row of stalls. We tried to throw rocks into the river but couldn't make it. It's a lot further than it looks

The sun sets on another stop. It was on the train again at 5am the next morning to go to Kansas City. That was the plan anyway, did it happen? You'll have to keep checking back. Or you can send me money, whichever one suits you best


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