Montreal followed New York as we ventured back into Canada. But this wasn't the Canada we had grew to love... here they spoke French. Luckily for us though, everyone pretty much spoke English as well, so no effort had to be made.
Before we get to Montreal a special mention must be made for the food on the train journey. It was served by a Chinese man who just seemed to shout at you like you'd done something wrong, but to be fair he was very efficient. Unofortunately for Ian and Simon they decided to buy the sandwiches which weren't just wet, but actually soaking. It was like someone had held them in a vat of grease and then packaged them up.
Moving beyond soggy sandwiches Montreal seemd to be a nice place. We didn't do too much as fatigue set in. Fortunately Montreal proved to be one of the places I was clean shaven and was unable to partake in the French beard/moustache combo that the others will now model for you.
Monsieur Bull, looking distinguished as usual
Monsieur Pope, in a slighlty homo erotic pose. Any excuse to show his untanned upper body
Monsieur Farthing, not your typical look for a North East boy
Monsieur Hodge, a new variation on the trucker look
The inspiration for the new looks, although one with more style
The Notre Damn Cathedral. Unfortunatley there was no hunch back. Couldn't even laugh at Keenie as he was on the train somewhere
Celine Dion got married in this cathedral, one of Andy's favourite recording artists
Everything in the cathedral was made of wood. Just like Tom Hanks performance in the Davinci code
Candles in a cathedral full of wood. That doesn't sound like a good idea. What if someone...
Ah ha take that Cathedral. If only Celine Dion was inside
With no tower to climb we made do with Mont Royale to give us our view of the city. They all look the same really don't they
vous et votre équipage entier êtes morts
That evening saw us go on the hostel pub crawl. We made lots of new friends, Brazil guy, Swiss guy, Korean guy, Abitron, horseface, Welsh medical students and the scary German guy. He's been to the one pub in Birmingham.
Andy looking worse for wear. He'd pick up soon though
Me and two of the welsh medical students
Chris arrived in Montreal having spent more money on a two week Canadian buss pass than we'd spent on a month long Amercian rail pass. Fool
Yes, that is your shirt Andy, put it back on for everybody's sake
Our hostel room, from every angle it's...
...a complete mess
The following day is probably best forgotten. We had an awful lunch, spent ages walking to a water park to find it was all pretty much closed and then I can remember going to bed.
Next it was the last new stop on the trip, Boston. Don't worry though, there's still the return to Vancouver and London to go.
Before we get to Montreal a special mention must be made for the food on the train journey. It was served by a Chinese man who just seemed to shout at you like you'd done something wrong, but to be fair he was very efficient. Unofortunately for Ian and Simon they decided to buy the sandwiches which weren't just wet, but actually soaking. It was like someone had held them in a vat of grease and then packaged them up.
Moving beyond soggy sandwiches Montreal seemd to be a nice place. We didn't do too much as fatigue set in. Fortunately Montreal proved to be one of the places I was clean shaven and was unable to partake in the French beard/moustache combo that the others will now model for you.

That evening saw us go on the hostel pub crawl. We made lots of new friends, Brazil guy, Swiss guy, Korean guy, Abitron, horseface, Welsh medical students and the scary German guy. He's been to the one pub in Birmingham.

The following day is probably best forgotten. We had an awful lunch, spent ages walking to a water park to find it was all pretty much closed and then I can remember going to bed.
Next it was the last new stop on the trip, Boston. Don't worry though, there's still the return to Vancouver and London to go.
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