Hello all and welcome to the first official entry from my blog. First of all I should explain the title of "I can take this geek". It is a quote from probably the greatest video game of all time, Shenmue on the Sega Dreamcast. It and its sequel Shenmue 2 are two of the greatest things you could ever experience in life. The quote itself comes from the character Goro who you meet down at the docks. Looking like a Japanese Elvis, he quickly threatens your character of Ryo Hazuki and tries to impress his friends by beating you up. After saying the immortal lines "I can take this geek" you quickly make him look a fool by kicking the crap out of him and go on to become great friends. I know Glenn back home will truly understand the importance of these few words and the game in general.
Anyway what have I been up to simce I've been in Canada. Well to cut a long satory short I now live in a place called Kerrisdale just outside Vancouver with Gaz, Rachel and Pete. Originally a girl named Tessa lived with us as well, but she left pretty much straight away. It wasn't a huge loss to the group as a whole and we miss her very little.
I work at a products placement company where I get paid to watch TV. Whilst walking home one day I was threatened by a man who said he was going to shoot me. Walking past a bus stop he said "hey you" and I carried on walking. He continued to say "hey you, come here" getting more angry and intense each time until he started to follow me. He then said "I'm gonna shoot you" at which instance I turned around to see him umzipping his jacket and reaching in. At this point I legged it as fast as I could diving herocially through some bushes to hear the man shouting "you run, yeh you run". I can report this was an isollated incident and that most Canadians are nice people.
I now spend my time hanging around with people who flew out with me, the fellow Bunacers still in Vancouver. They include my mums favourites Andy and Ian, the student house dwellers Chris, Debs, Simon and Andrew (Keeny) Keen and not forgetting Gavin, the other Paul and of course my fellow housemates.
We seem to spend half our time at English pubs spending no time with actual Canadians but hey I'm sure we'll meet some eventually.
Anyhow I'm off now as I've just been shopping in Metrotown and picked up some good bargains. I'm going to try the other internet cafe to see if I can get my picture on there as there are no usb ports for my camers here so until next time, which could be in about 5 minutes, stay tuned, keep reading and please leave any comments below.