Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Aquarium

My mum and dad have been and left but not before we saw a few sights around the city. The first full day they were here we went to the Vancouver Aquarium. The weather this day was incredibly bad, even for Vancouver. It wasn't just the rain but the wind that was the problem. I went to the shops in the morning and one gust of wind completely destroyed my umbrella. The rest of the week was very nice though as I enjoyed free sightseeing and free meals all week long.

My photos of the aquarium aren't great as my battery for the camera ran out.

An octopus just going about its ways

Not a great shot but this is a baluga. Look it up on the internet to find more info. There big and white and squirted water at people during a show

Tropical birds in the amazon section of the aquarium. It was very hot in here

Again not a great shot of the dolphins. It was even better to watch the show under the water where you couls see them swim straight past you

Jellyfish. They will sting you, be warned

No idea what this is. Answers on a postcard


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