Thursday, February 02, 2006

New Year, New House

I know I've already given you one new years post but this time it's Chinese new Year (year of the dog). Last Sunday Andy, Ian, Laura, Andrew and myself went down to Chinatown to watch the parade. Even though we got there a little late we managed to fight our way through the crowd and witness all the costumes, colour, music and sounds that the parade had to offer.

"What have they got in there, King Kong?" The entrance to Chinatown. Extra points for guessing which film the qoute came from

My good self waiting to watch the parade

There were lots of dragons in the parade, none of them voiced by Sean Connery

A few flags and what looks like the Chinese national army

Oh my god, it's a giant man, run to hills, flee while you can

I also moved into my new house last night. I was greeted at the door by a Japanese guy who I doubt speaks too much English. I think his name is Tanaka. I spoke a lot more to the guy staying on the ground floor with me. His name is Adam and is a UBC student. He's also actually Canadian, one of the few I've spoken to since being here. It seems the only people we meet are either from Australia or Europe. He also has more kitchen utensils and equipment than anyone I've ever met. I showed up with a few plates, bowls and my plastic cutlery set.

Still yet to meet one of my new housemates and I've still got to move a few things in. My mum and dad are coming tomorrow but more importantly I've got next week off work. Hooray, my second week of vacation in the last six weeks.

I'm also finally going to see the Vancouver Canucks on the 12th of Feb against the Minnisota Wild. (They're an ice hockey team for those of you back home. It's incredibly popular over here). Even though their games are always sold out, the hostel we stayed at when we first arrived has tickets to sell to its members. At a discount price as well. If you're reading Keenie that's $36 you owe me.

Until next time I'll say goodbye in my new housemates native language.



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