Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Tale of Two Frisbees

This weekend brought about the start of England's World Cup campaign and an early start. With the kick off at 6am PST we arrived at the Dover Arms Pub in downtown to find an already packed bar. We did manage to grab the last seats though and got to watch the match while we had a cooked breakfast... eventually.

The Dover Arms where we watched England v Paraguay. Even Gav showed up and as you can see was gripped by England's performance. When the final whistle went, I thought I even saw a little tear of happiness in his eye

We've also had a world cup sweepstakes with all the entrants taking four countries. Lets see how my teams are doing.

Team 1 - Costa Rica - Lost 4-2 to Germany. Never mind, not unexpected
Team 2 - Paraguay - Lost 1-0 to England. Glad they lost.
Team 3 - Sweden - Drew 0-0 with Trinidad and Tobago. God almighty.
Team 4 - Croatia - Play tomorrow. Maybe my luck will change. What's that, they're playing Brazil. Well, I can do it all again in 4 years time.

The following day Alan invited us all to a barbacue on the beach where we practiced our football and frisbee skills.

The frisbees in question. On the right you can see Ian's old, arthritic dinosaur of a frisbee. On the left you can see Gav's awesome, aerodynamic, supersonic, state of the art beast of a frisbee

The Jim Leighton art of dropping a frisbee

Alan starting the barbacue

Some people burying a dead body in the sand

At last, a picture with me. Megan, Gav and Liz in the background

The wasp on a scouting mission spots Keenie in the distance. Later on it thought I will strike him down. Bzzzzzzzzzzzz

Downtown and an empty bench

Alan and Megan leaving or perhaps recreating the Weakest Link walk of shame


Everyone watching Ian. He finally managed to tie his shoelaces on his own

Gav and Liz try swinging

Invisible baseball, actually just as exciting as real baseball

From left to right, me, Ian's friend Scott, Keenie, Jade, Simon, Liz, Gav. It was just after this picture that Keenie got stung. Lets all go to a zoo. There must be lots of animals there that can wreak vengence on him


Blogger Andrew said...

This is why I don't swim...

6:58 PM  
Blogger Paul Banks said...

But just think of the trouble you could get in with jellyfish.

1:56 PM  
Blogger Simon said...

oh ho. croatia lost

2:41 PM  
Blogger Paul Banks said...

My teams may have lost the battle in the first round of games but there is still a long way to go in this war.

I'll be laughing all the way to the bank when Paolo Wanchope sets a new goal scoring record and Costa Rica win the world cup.

3:13 PM  
Blogger Bully said...

I would like to inform viewers to Pauls blog that I was present at this gathering.

Mrs Banks may get worried

6:46 PM  
Blogger Paul Banks said...

You were there?

I'll try and put my video of you attempting a cartwheel on the blog.

7:15 PM  
Blogger Bully said...

Paul, do you think the new Jack Black movie Nacho Libre, is jumping straight if the success bandwagon that is Strong Bad. He looks and talks like him.


3:08 PM  
Blogger Paul Banks said...

That's an interesting thought Andy and looking again at it I have to agree with you.

Although you can't really blame them for it. I think Strong Bad will go onto have great influences on all our lives.

We need to petition for a Strong Bad movie. It would have to feature Trog Dor as well.

It would be the greatest movie ever made.

Everyone would check out all it's majesty.

3:59 PM  

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